启动印刷机! 《十大信誉彩票平台》出版


With print editions of The Vanguard student newspaper are, 从左, 布兰登·克拉克, managing editor; Stephanie Huynh, editor-in-chief; and Iman Thibodeaux, 作者的贡献. data-lightbox =“特色”
With the first print editions of The Vanguard in several years are, 从左, Brandon Clark, managing editor; Stephanie Huynh, editor-in-chief; and Iman Thibodeaux, contributing 作家.

While the rest of the publishing world moves 在线, The Vanguard student newspaper is going old school with its first print editions since 2019.

十大玩彩信誉平台的出版物仍然存在 在线, but now there will be regular print issues to draw more attention to 学生的新闻 校园新闻.

On a recent morning at the Student Center, Vanguard staffers handed out free cookies 还有报纸的复印件. “我们能拿一个吗??学生们问. 是的,他们可以.

布兰登·克拉克, managing editor, wrote a Page One story: “Barracoon: The Story of the 最后的“黑色货物”移动校园和社区.这是他第一次署名 纸上墨.

“即使在高中,一切都是数字化的,”克拉克说. “这看起来太棒了。. 你看起来 down and see the headline and the picture and your name above the fold.”

Stephanie Huynh, editor-in-chief of The Vanguard, welcomed the idea of adding print 学生报纸的版本. 她还记得姐姐桑德拉写信的时候 在2013年的报纸上.

“She would show me some of her old articles and I thought that was so cool,” Huynh 说. “And then I came here and it was all 在线, and I thought that was so sad.”

Dr. George Bovenizer, assistant professor of communication and advisor for the student 报纸,想从小做起. 他订了500份四页的杂志 密西西比州的一家公司. The Vanguard was printed on stock paper, rather than traditional newsprint, so reproduction and readability are higher quality. 

There will be another print issue of The Vanguard before the end of the fall semester. Next year, there should be more issues, more pages and more news.

“The excitement level has been pretty high,” Bovenizer 说. “这是一个很好的补充 到我们的在线版本.”

Dr. 罗伯特·科尔曼,临时主席 传播系他想要恢复印刷版. 大学管理部门也是如此. 自 1965, 南 students and faculty have followed campus news in The Vanguard.

“这是共同的知识,”科尔曼说. “它是有形的,你可以把它放在你的 用手和人交谈. “嘿,你在《十大信誉彩票平台》上看到这个了吗??’”

The market for modern media can be difficult to predict. 和黑胶唱片一样 records made a comeback for music fans, print newspapers resonate with readers who 更喜欢可折叠的页面.

Clark, a junior from Madison, Alabama, is majoring in multimedia journalism. 他把 the photograph that accompanied his “Barracoon” article. 他还写了一个短篇故事 on a 5K race to raise money for cancer research at the 美国健康 Mitchell Cancer 研究所.

Huynh, a junior from Gautier, Mississippi, is a business management major who enjoys 学生的新闻. She worked on her high school yearbook and started out as a reporter 《十大信誉彩票平台》杂志. Her work includes stories on “The Clothesline Project,” raising awareness of domestic 暴力, and the HEART Project, promoting recovery from sexual 暴力.

She edited The Vanguard print issue on the Canva graphic design platform, using digital 通过WordPress界面在网上发布的故事.

“人们说它看起来不错,”黄说. “人们说这看起来很专业.”

Jaguar sports news for the print issue included photos of women’s volleyball and football 追尾. There were features on an outdoor retreat for the men’s 篮球 team 还有新的校内队的体育精神评分.

In a back-page column, the editor-in-chief thanked readers for supporting the student 报纸及其出版故事的“新方式”. 在学生中心,她看了看 relieved to have the issue printed and in student hands.

“现在我们可以兴奋了——现在这是真的了,”黄说. “以前,人们会说,‘哦,我们 有截止日期吗.“现在是真的了. 现在轮到下一个了.”




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